Academic books and specialist literature from Greek publishers and institutions.

Ricerca veloce: Alte Geschichte, Archäologie, Ausstellungs- und Museumskatalog, Byzantinische Geschichte, Byzantinische Kunst, Byzantinistik, Faksimile, Film/Kino, Geschichte, Klassische Philologie, Kongressberichte, Kunst, Kunst bis 1945, Kunst nach 1945, Musikgeschichte, Neogräzistik, Neuere griechische Geschichte, Philosophie, Politik, Politik, Soziales, Wirtschaft. Kultur, Recht, Theater, Theologie, Vor- und Frühgeschichte

The Munich-based Academic Mail-order Bookshop Dr. Martin Berg GmbH is offering, for the first time on a world-wide basis, academic books and specialist literature from Greek publishers and institutions.

We have been supplying academic libraries with Greek books since the beginning of 2003. Intensive market research in this area has shown that academic libraries have an urgent need for a professional supplier of Greek publications. In line with the demand, we are starting, and will continue, to develop a completely new supply and delivery structure for literature in Greek.

Books, magazines and electronic data carriers are all included in our catalogue.

Our list of titles is geared particularly to new publications from academic fields which are of great interest and relevance to the research and teaching departments of universities.

We can also deliver all available publications from Greece, the Greek islands and Cyprus.

Within a short time, we have been able to supply large libraries with Approval Plans for their most important subjects.

The high standard of our service is particularly manifest in our innovative method of offering new publications and the ongoing maintenance of our database. In the future, these areas will be greatly expanded and further developed.

Visit our web site and find out about our services and books currently on offer.

By registering you can become our customer and order from our extensive listing at your convenience. You can also order any other publication in print even if it is not included in our catalogue.

If you have particular questions or desire further information about our company please contact us.

Wissenschaftliche Versandbuchhandlung Dr. Martin Berg GmbH, Erhardtstr. 8, 80469 München
Handelsregister München Abt. B. 93817, Tel (0 89) 2 01 52 63, Fax (0 89) 2 01 12 81, Email
Umsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer: DE 129495407